Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

a senior woman in the garden

Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

Planning on working in the yard or garden this season? The team at Dyker Heights Family Chiropractor in Brooklyn suggests that you heed a few tips to avoid the pain associated with such rigorous activity, as well as to prevent chronic health conditions later.

Spring and summer weather brings outdoor activities, like working in the yard or garden. Before you jump in ambitiously, take steps to prevent the aches and pains that can come afterward. In fact, you could do damage to your back and core with poor form or overdoing it. Enjoy the workout that this labor provides but take care to prevent skeletal injuries and muscle pain during the process.

Getting Ready for Gardening 

Getting ready to work in the garden should include some basic stretching to prevent damage to your major muscle groups. Before and after yard work, plan to spend five to ten minutes stretching and warming up. Be careful that you do not bounce too much during stretches, just stretch as far as you comfortably are able to. Also, plan on drinking plenty of water during your time outside. Dehydration can also cause pain and cramping in the muscles.

Reducing Muscle Pain 

Be sure to treat yourself gently after doing rigorous activities, like yard work. Relax, unwind, and apply cold packs to sore spots for the first 48 hours, and then switch to heat. Consider calling our chiropractor next.

Chiropractic care is a drug-free approach to holistic health that has been deemed effective by patients widely. Using spinal manipulation, chiropractors are trained and experienced in treating the musculoskeletal system through therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises. Many of these professionals often offer dietary and lifestyle counsel, as well.

Call Dyker Heights Family Chiropractor Today!

If yard work and gardening have you experiencing pain and discomfort, come see the chiropractic professionals at Dyker Heights Family Chiropractor in Brooklyn. Avoid chronic health conditions with regular chiropractic care and adjustments the next time your outdoor activities leave you with aches and pains.


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